Monday, June 27, 2011

My favorite locks this week! :)

ok .. Now I've been collecting some pictures of my favorite styles in this week and Bags are hooked to my mind all day now! so the images contain many styles of handbags who i Love.. :) Now I want to go... to the store... and invest in one super hot bag ;)

Boys are also cool with handbags .. not much of it here in Iceland, but sometimes I see some guy with cool handbags.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's fun to flavor a life with beautiful things

Yes.. It's fun to flavor a life with beautiful things..  the idea behind the object is brilliant and many of the designers have entertainment value in mind. 

 I've found some weird dresses who have seen in the world... Some good, others... not, but they all have in common to be fun and teh imagination.

And if you do not wana let some one know you in i a photos then this is for you! Cool for the stars ... or those who want others to think they are stars :P

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jessica Stam for Mercedes-Benz A-Class by Terry Richardson

I'm a bog car girl fan that I could die! i really could die fore a car!

I love cars and fashion and I love this model Jessica Stam who is a splendig.

This ad is a frenzy and Terry Richardson does this well, hes unstoppable and this time via Mercedes-Benz. In his commercial for the car maker, Jessica Stam is either a spy making some kind of getaway attempt, or a thief with a vehicle fascination. Either way, she really, really likes this car. Enough to caress it like an extremely beautiful lover. Also, props must be given for busting some serious moves in stilettos and a skin-tight micro-mini dress. Can you roll under a shutting garage door in club wear?

I probably not, but I can try it
fore i Car! it will definitely end silly but what would a real girls do fore Car..everything!!! and the commercial has all the vamped sex appeal of a typical Richardson photo shoot and this works for me. Interview with Terry Richardson



Forgive me if there are any technical errors in my English skills :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jewelry from old buttons with a history..

ok I've been create necklaces and bracelets out of old buttons that I've been given from my grandmother and others. No necklace or bracelet is the same .. although I use a lot of the same type of buttons will each necklacs have their own history behind itself.
I'll add some pictures of jewelry and in the future I will probably put a picture of me in some stylish clothes with a necklace and something more of my work .. but until that happens, I hope you enjoy these pictures :)

This is not yet in production sales, but it will happen soon.
With lovely greetings and gratitude Jóhanna Eva Gunn :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Burberry Prorsum Menswear Spring/Summer 2012

Okey..  now I'm losing myself over men's fashion.. the Burberry Prorsum Menswear Spring / Summer 2012 show was presented today, Wednesday 18 June and it was shot in Milan And I looked at it quickly and I liked it :) there is a lot of brown and earth colors and it was a little like old-fashioned feel to it. 

What do you think please take a look at the show and tell your thought :)

The show was live from milan on at 5PM (milan time) on - immediately after the show, viewers all over the world will be able to buy outerwear and bags from the collection at

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty - Gallery Views

Alexander McQueen FOREVER! ♥

I personally wish I could be there .. but it will only be later when I find a way, it could still take 10 years hehe... :( I'm stuck in Iceland! I can only wish right now for a miracle happens.

Learn more about Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty on view at the Met May 4--July 31, 2011 here

Friday, June 17, 2011

The day to day.. Spring 2011 trends

The trends today ones that I love.....

White mixed with color .. 70's style .. big glasses and and elegant maxi dresses .. and we can not forget the Rock N' Roll beauty --- I Love Rock N' Roll who does Not do that? not me! ;)

little extra.. Spring 2011 trends Video

The Fashion editor-in-chief Bernadette Morra sits down with fashion director Susie Sheffman and senior editor, fashion news Sarah Casselman to discuss the hottest trends, moments and runways of the spring 2011 season.

You can watch the video here
This video is taken from Fashion

Congratulations to all the Icelandic people..

Til hamingju allir íslendingar "Það er komin 17.júní"  þjóðhátíðar dagurinn okkar sæti.

Hæ Hó Jibby Jey og Jibby Jey ...

Eigið góðan dag hvar á jörðinni sem þið eruð.. og munið að tískan er allstaðar svo þetta er tilvalin dagur til þess að hafa augun opinn þar sem ALLIR eru að fagna niðrí bæ eða annars staðar þar sem þú ert ;)

Smá fræðilegt í tilefni dagsins...

Íslenski þjóðhátíðardagurinn er haldinn hátíðlegur 17. júní ár hvert en það var fæðingardagur Jóns Sigurðssonar. Fæðingardags hans var fyrst minnst með opinberum samkomum árið 1907 en fyrst var haldinn almennur þjóðminningardagur á aldarafmæli Jóns Sigurðssonar 17. júní 1911. Þá var Háskóli Íslands settur í fyrsta sinn. Eftir það héldu íþróttasamtök upp á daginn. Árið 1944 var 17. júní valinn stofndagur lýðveldisins. Síðan hefur hann verið opinber þjóðhátíðardagur og almennur frídagur.

Þjóðhátíðarsöngvarnir „Hver á sér fegra föðurland“ og „Land míns föður“ eru gjarnan sungnir þegar ættjarðarinnar er minnst. Textarnir fjalla á hátíðlegan hátt um ættjörðina svo má ekki gleyma "Hæ Hó Jibby Jey og Jibby Jey.. það er kominn 17. júní" 

 English version:

Congratulations to all the Icelandic people, "it's June 17" day of national holiday.

Own a good day anywhere on earth you are .. and remember that fashion is everywhere, so this is an ideal day to keep your eyes open where everyone is welcome to down town or somewhere else where you are;)

 A little theory of the day ...

Icelandic National Day is celebrated 17th June each year, but it was birthday of Jon Sigurdsson. Birth Day was first commemorated by public meetings in 1907 and was first held nationwide National Memorial on 17th centennial of Jon Sigurdsson June 1911. And the University of Iceland for the first time and afterward the sports organizations. In 1944, the 17th June preferred date of establishment of the Republic. Since then he has become the official national day and public holiday.
Forgive me if there are any technical errors in my English skills :)

Lykke Li - Get Some

Love it..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

self expression-----only!

So this is my new blog, which is about fashion and other stuff.. and this is basically my first post.. and i hope you like :)

So I'll just start with that I do not go after fashion trends aand........ I DO NOT CARE ABOUT FASHION "RULES."  thats just me..  I'm into everything! and when it comes to "dressing for my body" that is big.. or as it is called a plus size body or whatever i just do what I like time to time.. everything goes out the window no "Rules" Nothing is off limits for me, whether I'm dressing or styling myself.. "plus size girl".. i just do what every thing i WANT! so please no more " You must enhance the waist! and you need that to do that" this is sometimes right but just do wat you ar cool with ! Fashion is all about self-expression you can decide what you should wear.

But here are pictures of clothes and wallet, which I have repaired and improved .. These are old sweaters that my grandmother has give me and that my mom used in the old days.. And I Love Them! and this old wallet I bought fore a little money and i just fix those in a new one. I hope you like it :)

With lovely greetings and gratitude Jóhanna Eva Gunn :)

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